Bulan: Oktober 2024

Adat Sumando: Memahami Identitas dan Budaya Masyarakat Desa Jago-jago, Tapanuli Tengah

Situs Bongal merupakan situs cagar budaya yang secara administratif terletak di Desa Jago-jago, Kecamatan Badiri, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Sumatra Utara. Sedangkan secara geografis Situs Bongal menempati ruang pesisir di sisi barat Pulau Sumatra di sebuah teluk yang bernama Teluk Tapian Nauli (Teluk Tapanuli). Teluk Tapanuli (Tapian Nauli) merupakan wilayah perairan pusat aktivitas kemaritiman Nusantara di pesisir barat Sumatra yang telah aktif sejak masa yang lampau. ...

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Sultanate Institute dan Museum Abad Satu Hijriyah Mendapat Kunjungan Anggota Tim Ahli Cagar Budaya Nasional

Pada Jum’at (16/08/2024) Sultanate Institute dan Museum Abad Satu Hijriyah menerima kunjungan anggota Tim Ahli Cagar Budaya (TACB) Nasional Dr. Junus Satrio Atmodjo dan Dr. Ninny Susanti Tedjowasono, di Solo. Di sela aktivitas selama kurang lebih 4-5 hari di Solo, pak Junus dan bu Ninny mengunjungi kantor Sultanate Institute dan Museum Abad Satu Hijriyah. Kami berdiskusi mengenai perlunya riset lanjutan di Situs Bongal serta upaya ...

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SPICED ISLAM AND TEXTUAL CIRCULATIONS INDIA, INDONESIA, AND THE INDIAN OCEAN   Abstracts of 500 words are due by November 10, 2022, and should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. The conference does not have a registration fee.   IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers: October 2022 Abstract Submission: November 10, 2022 Paper Presentation: November 28-29, 2022 Full Paper Submission: December 15, 2022   VENUE Theatre ...

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Spiced Islam and Material Cultures Across the Indian Ocean

INTRODUCTION Across the spice routes of the Indian Ocean world, religious and cultural connections between South and Southeast Asia have manifested in diverse forms of material culture. While these connections have often been described as unidirectional, this conference aims to explore the multidirectional religious and cultural exchanges between both subcontinents. Building upon the success of our previous conference, titled “Spiced Islam and Textual Circulation: India, ...

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